Love with the perfect stranger movie
Love with the perfect stranger movie

love with the perfect stranger movie

It also has lots of strong foul language and some racy sex photos. PERFECT STRANGER is, however, a humanist movie with strong pagan content and no positive references to morality or God. There are also some nifty twists at the end. PERFECT STRANGER stretches credulity at times and could use a better performance from Halle Berry, but it has some intense drama and suspense once the ad executive appears. Rowena thinks Hill may have murdered Grace to keep his affairs secret. Before she died, Grace told Rowena she had slept with Hill, a notorious playboy with a wife, who actually owns the agency. When her estranged girlfriend, Grace, is found murdered, she goes undercover as a temp worker at the agency run by Harrison Hill, a powerful ad executive played by Bruce Willis.

love with the perfect stranger movie love with the perfect stranger movie

After their New York editors nix their scandal piece on a family values politician who has secret homosexual affairs, Rowena quits the paper. Giovanni Ribisi is her computer hacking assistant, Miles, who is secretly in love with her. Halle Berry stars as investigative reporter Rowena Price. PERFECT STRANGER is a secular psychological thriller.

Love with the perfect stranger movie